Monday, June 26, 2023

Author interview: Cassidy Choi



Often floating through her monotonous life, 21-year-old Catherine finds herself accepting a curious and intriguing invitation from her charismatic professor, Dr. Frank Joyce. Enchanted by his confidence and his inadvertent guidance, Catherine is finally able to see what opportunities are just within reach for her.

As she feels the imminence of her directionless future, Catherine faces the repercussions of her indecision and aimlessness. Detaching from life as she knows it, Catherine must learn to navigate through romance and resentment before her thoughtless actions steer her toward a path she isn't sure she's ready for.

Hey dear readers! Get ready to embark on a literary adventure like no other, as we bring you the exclusive interview with the talented wordsmith herself, Cassidy Choi. Brace yourself for a captivating conversation that will leave you inspired, enlightened, and yearning for more of Cassidy's enchanting stories.

 How would you summarize She Lies Still in a few sentences?

How I summarized it in the synopsis… haha But in other words, it’s a coming-of-age story about a young woman named Catherine who winds up in a relationship with her professor. She has unnamed mental illnesses, but it’s mainly through showing (and not telling) that this could be picked up on. The story itself is a transgressive take on the Lolita-trope, begging the question, what if the younger woman is not so innocent in the arrangement?

 Do you have a least favorite character?

Most of the main characters are deeply flawed, which is kind of a crucial point of the whole story—really, no one is perfect. 

Do you have any rituals to get into the creative mindset?

Not really. I feel like forcing things can be too stressful for me, so I generally just keep a notebook and pen around for when creativity strikes. 

I love well written conversión between characters. Do your characters talk to you?

No, I see conversations in novels as storytelling. It’s not so much that I’m talking to them, more that I’m talking through them. 

What was the writing process like for this book?

Just… whenever I had time. I was working full time while writing, so what with keeping up with general life stuff, I would just block out a couple of hours a day to write. 

Is there a character in the novel you wish you were more like?

Like I said earlier, a lot of the characters are not without their shortcomings. I think some of the more minor characters are a little more grounded and stable, so I think the main character’s older sister, Chloe, is a good role model in the story.

What inspired you to become a writer, and how did you develop your passion for storytelling?

I find it cathartic. I’m pretty self-centered, haha. I really only write for myself, but I will say it’s been an unexpected (and pleasant!) surprise to hear from people who have told me how much they could relate to aspects of the characters, or certain scenarioes. It’s nice to know I’m helping people feel seen and understood. That definitely warms my heart. 

Do you remember, as a kid, the book or books that were the first to kind of tackle your brain and really inspire you?

I think the general fiction that all kids read. I remembered being really moved by a lot of the novels most kids read, even though I was never really inspired by a lot of the Sci-Fi, I hope to be imaginative enough to write something in that genre one day. 

Could you share a personal anecdote or moment in your career that has had a profound impact on you as an author?

I think having people reach out to me to tell me how much they’ve enjoyed my writing. Or as I said earlier, people who felt they could relate to the characters, or even that I made people laugh with my writing. It’s comforting to know I could make people feel something, and provide them an escape in some capacity. As someone who often feels othered, I appreciate that I can make people feel less alone.

How do you develop your characters and their relationships? 

By looking at my own relationships in life, especially the ones that ended poorly. Being self-aware and understanding what you’ve done wrong to people, and taking a step outside of yourself to really see your own indescretions is important to developing real stories. I’m not really interested in superheroes. I like writing about reality.

Writing can be a solitary endeavor. How do you approach the writing process, and do you have any rituals or routines that help you stay focused and productive?

Similiar to how I answered this question earlier, it’s good to just set some time aside every day to write, even if you’re really not in the mood. If I’m not in the mood to create something new, I’ll reread and edit something I’ve already worked on. 

What advice would you give to aspiring writers who are just starting their journey?

I don’t think I’m in any position to give advice, so I’ll just regurgitate what I’ve always been told: just keep writing.

Who is your ideal reader or ideal age group in terms of your audience? 

My audience is young adults and older. My content can be a bit graphic, so it’s decidedly not for children. My grandmother read my book and told me she couldn’t encourage her friends to read it due to how graphic a lot of the scenes are! It’s definitely not for the faint of heart.

 Are there any books that you're reading and enjoying right now?

I’m a big fan of realistic fiction and books that delve into the human psyche. Right now, I’m reading To Paradise by Hanya Yanagihara.

 What’s next for your writing journey?

In the middle of writing a sequel, and working on more short form.

Friday, June 2, 2023

Boosting Your Kindle Book's Success


With the rise of digital publishing, the Kindle platform has revolutionized the way authors share their stories with readers. However, publishing a book on Kindle is just the beginning of your journey as an author. To truly succeed and reach a wider audience, effective promotion is essential. In this blog post, we will explore a variety of strategies to help you promote your Kindle book and maximize its visibility in the vast digital landscape.

Craft an Engaging Book Description:
Your book description serves as your sales pitch. Invest time in creating a compelling and concise summary that captures the essence of your story while intriguing potential readers. Highlight the unique aspects of your book, its benefits, and the emotions it evokes. Consider incorporating relevant keywords to improve discoverability within the Kindle store.

Leverage Social Media:
Social media platforms are powerful tools for reaching a broad audience. Create author profiles on popular platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, tailoring your content to each platform's strengths. Share snippets from your book, engage with readers, and provide insights into your writing process. Collaborate with influencers and book bloggers to widen your reach and generate buzz.

Establish a Captivating Author Website:
A professional author website can enhance your credibility and provide a central hub for readers to learn more about you and your work. Include an author bio, book descriptions, reviews, and links to purchase your Kindle book. Consider maintaining a blog to share your thoughts, writing tips, and updates on future projects. Engage with your readers by offering exclusive content and giveaways.

Kindle Select and Kindle Unlimited:
Enroll your Kindle book in Kindle Select and make it available through Kindle Unlimited. This program allows readers to access your book for free if they are Kindle Unlimited subscribers. Take advantage of promotional tools within Kindle Select, such as Kindle Countdown Deals and Free Book Promotions, which can help increase visibility and attract new readers.

Encourage Reviews and Seek Endorsements:
Reviews play a crucial role in attracting readers and influencing purchasing decisions. Encourage readers to leave reviews by adding a polite call-to-action at the end of your book, your author website, and your social media profiles. Offer advance copies to influential reviewers, book bloggers, and relevant online communities. Positive reviews and endorsements can significantly impact your book's credibility and visibility.

Leverage Amazon Advertising:
Amazon Advertising provides authors with powerful tools to increase visibility and reach their target audience. Utilize targeted ads, sponsored products, and display ads to promote your Kindle book within the Amazon ecosystem. Conduct thorough keyword research to optimize your ad campaigns and monitor their performance regularly, making adjustments as needed to maximize results.

Collaborate with Book Promotion Websites:
Numerous websites cater specifically to promoting Kindle books. Research and identify reputable book promotion websites that align with your genre and budget. Many of these platforms offer promotional packages, discounted promotions, or author interviews, which can significantly increase exposure for your Kindle book.

Publishing a Kindle book is an exciting accomplishment, but it's only the first step on your path to success. By employing a multi-faceted promotion strategy, you can boost your Kindle book's visibility, engage with readers, and increase sales. Remember, persistence and adaptability are key. Continuously experiment with different promotional tactics, monitor their impact, and refine your approach to connect with your target audience effectively. Embrace the digital landscape, and let your Kindle book shine bright in the vast sea of literature.

You can find my Kindle services here:
(click the pictures)

Thursday, June 1, 2023

The Future of Book Cover Design: Embracing AI Services for Visual Brilliance

To ensure your book stands out on the shelves, consider the power of AI book cover design services. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of AI-driven book cover design services and how they can transform your book's visual appeal, attract readers, and enhance its marketability.

The Impact of Book Cover Design:

Book covers play a crucial role in enticing readers and creating a positive first impression. A well-designed book cover not only captures the essence of your story but also communicates its genre, tone, and target audience. It serves as a visual representation of your book's content, making it essential to invest in a captivating and professionally designed cover.

Harnessing the Power of AI in Book Cover Design:

AI book cover design services leverage the capabilities of artificial intelligence to create visually stunning and compelling covers. These services utilize sophisticated algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyze market trends, genre-specific aesthetics, and reader preferences. By harnessing AI, you can access a vast database of design elements, color palettes, typography styles, and imagery that align with your book's genre and target audience.

Tailored Designs to Reflect Your Book's Essence:

AI book cover design services excel in creating customized designs that accurately reflect your book's unique essence. Through a combination of AI algorithms and expert design guidance, these services can generate multiple cover options based on your book's genre, themes, and target audience. They consider factors such as color psychology, visual hierarchy, and typography to create covers that evoke the desired emotions and captivate readers.

Enhancing Visual Appeal with Data-Driven Insights:

AI book cover design services rely on data-driven insights to optimize the visual appeal of your book cover. By analyzing reader preferences, market trends, and successful cover designs within your genre, these services identify design elements that resonate with your target audience. From font styles to image compositions, AI algorithms can guide the design process, ensuring your book cover is visually compelling and aligned with current market preferences.

Iterative Design Process for Maximum Impact:

AI book cover design services often employ an iterative design process, allowing you to provide feedback and refine the cover design until it perfectly captures your vision. This collaborative approach ensures that the final cover represents your book's content and appeals to your target readers. AI algorithms adapt and learn from user feedback, enabling the design service to continuously improve its recommendations and deliver exceptional results.

Professionalism and Cost-Effectiveness:

AI book cover design services offer a cost-effective solution compared to traditional design processes. These services provide access to professional-grade design tools and expertise, often at a fraction of the cost of hiring a dedicated designer. Additionally, AI-driven designs can be generated quickly, reducing turnaround times and allowing you to bring your book to market faster.

Investing in AI book cover design services can be a game-changer for authors seeking to elevate their book's visual appeal and attract a wider audience. By leveraging AI algorithms and data-driven insights, these services create customized book covers that capture the essence of your story and resonate with readers. Embrace the power of AI book cover design services to ensure your book stands out on the virtual shelves, captivating readers and maximizing its market potential. Partner with AI-driven design services today and unlock the transformative potential of visually stunning book covers.

You can find my book cover design services here (click the picture down below)